Hi, I’m Blythe!

I’m a 22 year old artist/animator from Texas, USA! I’ve been animating since 2019, but drawing ever since I could hold a pencil.
My digital art journey started around 2016 and I immediately fell in love. I’m looking to get myself out into the world of Art via commissions and jobs!
Linked below are some examples of my work and links on where to find me.
Thank you for your time!

Commission Pricing

Please click the button below for my Terms of Service!





character design/etc

Where to find me!
(feel free to clicky click the icons!)






By comissioning the artist DingDongDibby you agree to all of the terms below.
1. The artist reserves the right to refuse service for any reason.
2. The artist reserves the right to cancel any commission request for any reason, up to and including failure to communicate, rude or inappropriate behavior, or any breach in the terms of service.
3. The artist reserves the right to delay the commission request for any reason.
4. The artist will regularly update the client on commission progress.
5. The client must provide contact information or social media information. If the comission is for an NSFW art piece, the client must also provide their age.
6. The client must provide a detailed description of the comissioned piece, which may not contain depictions of hateful, racist, or otherwise harmful imagery or symbolism. The description must include medium and canvas size.
7. The commission may be defines as confidential, but only for a limited time stated before the transaction is complete.
8. Payment method must be determined before the comissioning process begins.
9. Payment is due once the first draft has been viewed and accepted by the client.
10. Prioritization of commission completion is left to the artist. Deadlines will be met, but this system is not first-come, first-serve.
11. The artist will retain all rights to the comissioned work. The client is only funding and directing the labor to create said work. These rights include but are not limited to distribution, reproduction, and use of the commission for artist promotion.
12. The buyer may not distribute, reproduce, or otherwise profit from the commission, beyond the resale of the original. The buyer may not edit, alter, or trace the commission without the artist’s expressed written permission. The artist also retains full copyright for any preliminary designs and incidental works made in the creation of the commission, unless otherwise agreed upon.
13. The artist's fee may be increased for any of the following reasons; Overly complex compositions Large specified display sizes Strict or short deadlines Large requested changes after the first, initial sketch
14. The artist will inform the client if the work will take longer to complete than the initial assessment
15. The commissioned work may not be used for commercial purposes by the client without the written consent of the artist. The commissioned work may be used for personal, public purposes with accredation of the artist as "DingDongDibby" along with a link to @DingDongDibby’s social media accounts.
16. Digital art commissions will be provided to the buyer via email or an online download in .jpeg, .png, or .pdf formats. Access to .psd, .tif, or other native files is not permitted unless agreed upon beforehand. Files will be of the highest available resolution and will include both a signed/watermarked and unmarked version of the work.
17. The artist is not responsible for for the cost of shipping prints, physical art, or media contianing copies of the digital art.
18. The artist reserves the right to use the commissioned work or any images of the commissioned work for promotional or commercial purposes unless explicity forbidden in the agreement.
19. If the buyer is unsatisfied with the commission for an appropriate reason, they must contact the Artist within seven (7) days of receiving the final Commission. Approprate reasons do not include simple dislike of the piece or retroactive change in standard. The Client must state if they want a full refund or an alternative replacement. The buyer has seven [7] days to send the [digital] Commission back to the Artist, otherwise a refund will not be made.